Children are full of zest for life – cheerful, eager to learn and curious. But the little person’s development does not always run smoothly, and medical help becomes necessary.
We, Dr. med. Jürgen Krebber, Dr. med. Liliana Skowron and Max Braun, have the knowledge and the diagnostic possibilities and treatment methods to accompany your child from the first day of life until the end of puberty.
Get to know us on the following pages.
Special medical services
We see ourselves as general practitioners for children and adolescents who cover the entire spectrum of general pediatric and adolescent medicine. One focus is on the increasingly common allergic diseases. Furthermore, as trained neonatologists, we are aware of the fears and concerns of “premature parents”, so that the aftercare of former premature babies is also one of our specializations. We also cover a comprehensive spectrum of pediatric endocrinology and diabetology, in particular the increasingly topical field of trans* medicine. We support patients during puberty-blocking and gender reassignment hormone therapy.
The increase in behavioral problems led to close cooperation with a child and adolescent psychologist in our practice at a very early stage. Kidney diseases are one of our specialties, and modern ultrasound diagnostics enable us to detect abnormalities in the urinary tract at an early stage. With our focus on nutritional medicine, we are able to detect and treat malnutrition through appropriate programs.
The practice
Our patients benefit from the fact that we take enough time for them. Together with a child psychologist, we exclusively care for private patients and self-pay patients. This allows us to carry out thorough examinations and consultations in a relaxed, personal and calm atmosphere.
With our expertise, our specializations and the medical equipment in our practice, we can diagnose and treat the most common and important childhood diseases without you having to go to the trouble of seeing another specialist.
Home visits
We offer scheduled home visits, e.g. for U2 for newborns from the 3rd to 10th day of life, but only to patients of our practice.
We are happy to look after you and your child with any problems, from birth to the end of puberty. We take a lot of time to build up a relationship of trust and make a reliable diagnosis. We want you and your child to understand what we do. Don’t be afraid to ask.
For the little ones, even unpleasant appointments are only half as bad, and the less unpleasant ones are even fun!
But we don’t just take action in the event of illness. We also support you with competent preventive healthcare – to prevent illness from occurring in the first place.
Own emergency service
Outside practice hours, we offer a doctor’s call service for emergencies. If your child falls ill outside practice hours, you can always reach a doctor by phone, at weekends, on public holidays or in the evening. Most problems can be solved over the phone and with the help of photos or videos. This means you don’t have to spend any time waiting with your sick child in one of the three emergency pediatric practices.
You can find the doctor currently on duty here on our homepage.
We offer this emergency service exclusively to patients of our practice.
12 03.2025 | EMERGENCY SERVICE | Dr. J. Krebber Wednesday, 12.03.2025 | Contact | |
Außerhalb der Praxiszeiten bieten wir für Notfälle einen Arztrufdienst an. Hier können Sie die*den aktuell diensthabende*n Kinderärztin*arzt kontaktieren. |