Symbolic image of the pediatric practice in Cologne

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Severe respiratory disease with RSV is the most common cause of hospitalization for children in the first year of life and one in four children with an RSV infection requires medical treatment. The infection can be particularly severe in young infants.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) now recommends general vaccination for the first RSV season (usually from October to March) following birth. Babies born between April and September should be vaccinated between September and November, newborns born during an RSV season should be vaccinated as soon as possible after birth.

The antibody Nirsevimab is vaccinated. This is a passive immunization that provides immediate protection that lasts for around six months.


English version

People of all nationalities are welcome in our practice!

To enable you to inform yourself about our offers, our homepage is now also available in an English version.


BVKJ statement

The Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescent Doctors calls on people to vote democratically in the upcoming elections, not only because doctors and medical assistants with a migration background care for children in German practices, regardless of their origin.

Appeal of the BVKJ


Meningococcus B

Vaccination against meningococcus C has been one of the standard vaccinations recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) for years. We have been recommending for years that your children should also be vaccinated against meningococcal B. The STIKO has now included this vaccination as a standard vaccination in the vaccination calendar.



Following a global decline in measles vaccination rates, the number of deaths from measles increased by 43% in 2022 compared to 2021. The total number of reported cases increased by 18%, which corresponds to around 9 million cases and 136,000 deaths worldwide, mainly among children. This was reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The number of countries with significant measles outbreaks was still 22 in 2021 and 37 in 2022. The continents most affected were Africa and Asia.


COVID-19 vaccination

STIKO has updated its COVID-19 vaccination recommendation. Basic immunity (three antigen contacts, vaccination or infection, but at least two vaccinations) is recommended for all persons aged 18 and over. Booster vaccinations – usually at intervals of ≥ 12 months from the last antigen contact, preferably in the fall – is recommended for people aged 6 months or older with risk factors or close contact with people with risk factors.

Risk factors for severe courses of COVID-19 are, among others, age > 60 years, chronic diseases of the respiratory organs, chronic cardiovascular, liver and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases, obesity, diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), psychiatric diseases, trisomy 21, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, chronic inflammatory diseases, immunosuppressive therapy.

We have the new adapted COVID-19 vaccines from Biontech/Pfizer in stock.


Flu vaccines

The current flu vaccines (2023/2024 season) have arrived. The nasal vaccine is of course more convenient for children because no injection is required. However, it is only available in limited numbers (as every year).


Preventive medical check-up U O

The U 0 is a new preventive medical check-up. It is an offer for expectant mothers and fathers to obtain information on important baby health topics in gynecological practices and from the pediatrician before the birth (from the 28th week of pregnancy). The aim is to create the best conditions for the time after the birth.

We have the capacity to take enough time for this consultation so that you can address your questions about your newborn’s health in peace. An additional appointment with our psychologist can be arranged on request.

The consultation takes place as a one-to-one meeting. No investigations are carried out.



Ms. Yasmin Fiedler is now part of our team. She is a psychotherapist and is available to you on two half-days in our practice.


Newborn hearing screening

Without hearing screening, hearing disorders are usually detected so late that serious developmental disorders occur. This is why the hearing test is extremely important for all newborns. Hearing screening is normally carried out in the maternity clinic.

If you give birth on an outpatient basis, the hearing screening can be carried out in the first few days of your baby’s life. We are now officially carrying out the quality-assured universal hearing screening of newborns as a FU center of the North Rhine Hearing Screening Center at the University Hospital of Cologne.


Mrs. Schröder

Sabine Schröder has provided our patients with excellent psychological care for 20 years. She now has to reduce her working hours for personal reasons. She will continue her work at the University of Cologne, but will unfortunately end her involvement in our practice in October.

We would like to thank her very much and wish her all the best for the future!


New vaccines

The current flu vaccine (2022/2023 season) has arrived, as well as the new COVID-19 vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer (COMIRNATY Original/Omicron BA.4-5).


Flu epidemic

Winter is over in Australia. The number of flu cases there had already broken all records in May 2022 (1). Adolescents aged 10-14 had the highest infection rate and the highest proportion of inpatient admissions. Other countries in the southern hemisphere are also reporting a severe flu epidemic, probably due to the lockdown measures, which have led to lower immunity to influenza viruses.

This does not necessarily mean that we are facing a similar wave of flu. Influenza activity can vary in different regions of the world. However, children who have never been vaccinated or exposed to flu viruses will be particularly badly affected and should receive protection from the vaccination. You can now make appointments for vaccination.

(1) German Medical Journal, Issue 33-34, August 22, 2022



Studies on familial hypercholesterolemia in recent years have shown that unexpectedly many children had LDL-C levels that were too high, depending on the study 0.5% to 2.4% (approx. 1:40)(1). In many families, it is only through this screening of their children that it is discovered that one of the parents is also affected and should be treated.

We have been carrying out LDL screening in our practice for a few weeks now as part of the U9 and U10 examinations, because treatment of elevated cholesterol levels is recommended from this age.

(1) Kordonouri et al. New approach for detection of LDL-hypercholesterolemia in the pediatric population: The Fr1dolin-Trial in Lower Saxony, Germany. Atherosclerosis. 2019 Jan;280:85-91.


Travel vaccinations

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is caused by the TBE virus, which is only transmitted to humans by ticks in certain regions. In Germany, the risk is particularly high in southern Germany, south-eastern Thuringia and Saxony. One of the new risk areas is the urban district of Solingen in NRW.

Risk areas in Europe include Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Finland and Eastern Europe (see e.g.

If you are spending your vacation in one of these regions, we recommend that you and your children get vaccinated against TBE.

We are also happy to advise and vaccinate you regarding other travel vaccinations!


Flu vaccination

An unusually high number of children have been suffering from respiratory infections for several weeks now. The figures are significantly higher than in previous years at this time of year. The reason for this is probably that children (and adults) did not have the opportunity to train their immune system during the last infection season due to the hygiene measures. Accordingly, we are now more susceptible to infections.

This phenomenon will soon also apply to the real flu. We therefore recommend that you get your children (and yourself) vaccinated against the flu! Vaccine is now available from us.


COVID-19 vaccination

The coronavirus pandemic still has our country in its grip. Since the first wave at the beginning of 2020, all our lives have been massively restricted as a result.

In order to achieve herd immunity, end these restrictions and protect against severe disease, many more people need to be vaccinated. This is all the more important as the next wave of the highly contagious delta mutant is already getting underway, in many neighboring countries and also in our country.

If you, your family, friends or acquaintances have not yet received a vaccination, please contact us to arrange a vaccination appointment at short notice! We now have enough vaccine (Biontech/Pfizer).


COVID-19 vaccination

Dear parents,

It will help us a lot if you bring the completed and signed information sheet, medical history form and declaration of consent with you to your vaccination appointment. The documents can be downloaded from the Robert Koch Institute ( under the following link:

Thank you very much!


Corona rapid test

The rapid test used in our practice is also able to correctly detect the now known mutations of SARS-CoV-2.


Climate change

As responsible pediatricians, we not only take care of acutely ill patients, we also want to prevent illness, e.g. through vaccinations and check-ups, and through our commitment to future living conditions, especially those of children.

That is why we support the citizens’ initiative “Klimawende Köln” ( ). Signature lists are available in the practice. Please also support a climate-neutral Cologne!


Corona – free zone

With us you will certainly not get infected! Our practice is equipped with air purifiers (TROTEC TAC V+®). Studies show that 99.995% of particles with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.3 µm are separated by these devices, and 100% of larger particles. The filter is heated to more than 100° C in order to kill the filtered viruses.

Despite this safety measure, we still ask you to observe the so-called AHA rules.


Corona – rapid test

Your child has a cold, cough or fever. It is therefore not allowed to attend school or daycare until it has been clarified that this infection is not COVID-19.

In symptomatic patients, it can be assumed that there is sufficient viral material in the nasopharyngeal swab. In this situation, an antigen test can determine with an accuracy of approx. 99% whether it is COVID-19 or not.

We offer this rapid test in our practice. The result is available after 30 minutes.


Flu and corona

It’s inevitable: colds become more frequent in the cold season, the next wave of flu is coming. We do not yet know how dangerous the combination of influenza and COVID-19 will be. But at least one of these two potentially fatal diseases can be prevented by vaccination, which is why the flu vaccination is particularly important this year.

We still have nasal vaccine in stock for children and adolescents aged 2 to 17. Arrange a vaccination appointment in good time!


New colleague

Max Braun has joined our medical team with immediate effect. He is a pediatrician from the University Hospital of Cologne with specializations in endocrinology and diabetology, so that our range of services is now even more extensive.



Dear parents,
In view of the current pandemic, we must ask you more than ever to visit our practice only after making an appointment in advance, for your protection, for the protection of other patients and to protect our practice from having to close due to an infection of our employees. Thank you very much!


HPV in boys

Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is just as effective for boys as it is for girls, provided they are not yet infected with HPV at the time of vaccination. This is shown by data from a systematic review (Epidemiological Bulletin 26/18 of the Robert Koch Institute). No serious adverse events have occurred after HPV vaccination in boys or men.

According to estimates by the Center for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD), 1,600 to 2,300 HPV-related carcinomas can be assumed per year in men in Germany, in addition to the frequent HPV-related genital warts.


Flu vaccine

The delivery of this year’s flu vaccines has proved difficult. We have now received the vaccines for the 2018/19 season, so you can arrange vaccination appointments with immediate effect.


Cervical cancer in Australia

In 2007, Australia was the first country to introduce vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) for both sexes. Vaccination coverage rates are still high today. In addition, an HPV test was recently introduced for the early detection of cervical cancer. According to a recent study, under these conditions cervical cancer will be a rare cancer in Australia by 2020 and virtually eradicated by 2034. In Germany, around 6,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year.


HPV vaccination for boys

In Germany, 6250 women and 1600 men are diagnosed with carcinomas caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) every year. The HPV vaccination (“vaccination against cervical cancer”) was previously only a standard vaccination for girls. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) and the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) recommend this vaccination for all children between the ages of 9 and 14 with immediate effect. This means that the HPV vaccination is now a standard health insurance benefit for boys too.


Flu epidemic 2017/18

The report of the Robert Koch Institute’s Influenza Working Group on the 2017/18 flu season is now available. There were an estimated 9 million visits to the doctor due to flu, 5.3 million cases of incapacity to work or need for care, and around 160,000 people in need of care at home in the 0 to 4 age group. 320,000 pupils up to the age of 14 were absent from school due to influenza. 114 infants per 100,000 had to be hospitalized, and 26 per 100,000 schoolchildren (aged 5 to 14). 1674 deaths were reported to the RKI in accordance with the IfSG. The figures for estimated influenza-related deaths (excess mortality during the flu epidemic) for the past season are not yet available; in the 2016/17 season, this amounted to 22,900 deaths.


Hotspot practice

From now on you will have access to the Internet in our practice rooms via a private hotspot, so that the already short waiting times will be even shorter. You will find the name and current password of the WLAN network on the notice board in the waiting area.


Data protection

From 25.05.18, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) will apply, which also affects us as a medical practice. We are working on implementing the plethora of legal requirements.

But your personal data is already in good hands: our practice intranet has no physical connection to the Internet – the only truly secure way to protect data!


Pollen count

Allergy sufferers know it and are familiar with the symptoms of runny nose and/or watery eyes: the pollen count has begun!

Problems with the lower respiratory tract, with coughing or asthmatic complaints, are also becoming increasingly common. If you notice such symptoms or a cold that won’t go away in your child, think of allergies as a possible cause!

You are welcome to make an appointment with our allergist, Mr. Kuhmann, in order to initiate early diagnosis and treatment.


Flu vaccination

The new flu vaccines for the 2016/17 season have arrived. There is the conventional vaccine, which is injected, and the live vaccine, which is administered as a nasal spray. They appear to be equivalent in terms of their protective effect. We recommend the nasal spray for children so that they do not have to be pricked.

You can now make an appointment to be vaccinated.


Amblyopia screening

Eye disorders (e.g. strabismus, short-sightedness, long-sightedness) are often not recognized in infants and small children. Then the sense of sight is not sufficiently stimulated and trained, and vision is not learned properly. If left untreated or treated too late, this can have fatal consequences: amblyopia can develop, which persists for life even after correction of the original visual defect. About 5% of the population in Germany are affected. This is why it is so important to detect vision problems as early as possible, known as amblyopia screening.

The introduction of general amblyopia screening for children as a standard benefit of statutory health insurance is currently being discussed. We have routinely carried out amblyopia screening using the so-called “vision screener” from the age of 4-6 months as part of preventive check-ups since mid-2011.


BLIKK Media” study

With some delay, the “BLIKK Media” study (see 05.2016) has now begun. When you make an appointment in the next few weeks for your child’s medical check-up (U3 to J1), we will contact you and ask you to take part in this important and interesting data collection.

Detailed information is collected using questionnaires and correlated with the results of the screening. Because these questionnaires are quite extensive, depending on the age of the children, please allow more time for the check-up. Thank you very much!


New HPV vaccine

Gardasil-9, a new, extended vaccine against HPV (human papillomavirus), is now available. HPV causes (among other things) cervical cancer and genital warts. The new vaccine protects against 5 additional high-risk HPV types. This means that 75-90 percent of all cervical cancers and 90 percent of all genital warts can now be prevented.

The vaccination schedule remains unchanged: between the ages of 9 and 14, 2 vaccinations are given; older adolescents require 3 vaccinations.


Travel and vaccination

You have probably already planned your vacation. But do you also know which vaccinations are important for your vacation destination?

Everyone thinks about travel vaccinations when traveling abroad. However, the STIKO also recommends vaccinations for less exotic vacation regions. In southern Germany and Austria, for example, you should protect yourself against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), and in all countries south of the Alps against hepatitis A.

Of course, we can also advise you by telephone as to whether vaccinations are necessary. Please only contact us in good time in the event that several vaccination appointments are necessary before your vacation.



What is normal now? How, which and to what extent are digital media used today? At what age? Are the effects on children and their families positive or negative?

In a few days, the “BLIKK Media” research project, a Germany-wide study on the use of digital media that is unique in this form worldwide, will be launched. Data from preventive medical check-ups are correlated with information from questionnaires.

We are involved in this study. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and has been approved by the responsible ethics committee. The data will of course be anonymized and participation is voluntary. However, we would be delighted if you could bring a little more time to the preventive care sessions and help us answer these enormously important questions.


Green electricity

Since the beginning of this year, we have been running the practice on 100% green electricity from renewable sources (excluding electricity from biomass).


Flu vaccination without a jab

Flu viruses are tricky, they are constantly changing. A new vaccination is therefore required every year to protect against the current viruses. For children, STIKO and other health organizations recommend a live vaccine because it has the best protective effect compared to other vaccines. A second major advantage: it is administered as a nasal spray, so there is no need to prick!

Further information on the subject of influenza can be found, for example, at the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) at

The vaccines for the 2015/16 flu season have now arrived, so you can arrange vaccination appointments with immediate effect.


Current vaccination recommendation

Infants have been vaccinated against pneumococcus four times so far, at the ages of 2, 3, 4 and 11-14 months. The STIKO (Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute) has updated its recommendations. Mature babies will therefore only receive 3 vaccinations, the second one at the age of 3 months will be omitted. Premature babies (< 37 SSW) still require a total of 4 vaccinations.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not only important for bones and teeth. Empirical studies have shown that it protects against cancer, heart attacks and strokes and has a positive effect on the immune system and the psyche. As vitamin D receptors have been found in almost all organs and tissues, it appears to have many other functions.

Vitamin D is mainly formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight (UV B). Our modern lives take place predominantly indoors. The use of sunscreen when spending time in the sun (which is necessary to prevent skin cancer) leads to insufficient vitamin D synthesis. In Germany, the sun is so low from October to March that no more vitamin D can be formed in the skin. Vitamin D deficiency is therefore detectable in 60 – 80% of people, especially during the dark season. This deficiency is particularly relevant for adolescents in the pubertal growth spurt.

The vitamin deficiency cannot be compensated for by diet alone. You would have to eat 2 kg of fresh porcini mushrooms or 600 g of sardines every day. Solariums are not recommended because of the risk of cancer. If you want to replenish your stores with vitamin supplements, you should have your blood vitamin D level determined beforehand. It is not possible to overdose on the vitamin through sunlight, but it is possible to overdose by taking vitamin D supplements.


HPV vaccination for boys

The human papillomavirus (HPV) infects 80-85% of all men and women. In addition to genital warts, HPV also causes cancer, probably 5% of all human cancers, of which cervical cancer is the most common. Other HPV-induced cancers (e.g. in the mouth and throat) are rarer, but they affect more men than women, and the trend is rising.

The HPV vaccination has been proven to protect men and women against HPV infections and their consequences. To protect against cervical cancer, it has been recommended internationally for all girls for several years.

In Germany, one of the two available HPV vaccines is approved for both sexes, but there is no vaccination recommendation for boys. In a few countries (USA, Canada, Australia), HPV vaccination is also routine for young men – primarily to protect the men themselves, but also to protect women, as this minimizes their chances of infection (herd protection).

Should young men be denied a vaccination against cancer?

Please consider whether your son should receive this protection, even if the costs are not covered by health insurance. We recommend this vaccination, preferably between the ages of 9 and 13.


Pollen count

It’s that time again: the pollen count has begun. Allergy sufferers are familiar with the symptoms of runny nose and/or watery eyes.

Problems with the lower respiratory tract, with coughing or asthmatic complaints, are also becoming increasingly common. If you notice such symptoms or a cold that won’t go away in your child, think of allergies as a possible cause!

In order to clarify this and possibly to initiate early diagnosis and therapy, you can make an appointment with our allergist, Mr. Kuhmann.


New ultrasound device

We have replaced our ultrasound machine with a device of the latest generation. It not only enables significantly more differentiated imaging with higher resolution, but also expands our diagnostic options with new technologies.

New features include “Advanced Dynamic Flow” for visualizing the blood flow of organs down to the smallest end vessels, for example to make inflammation foci or a space filling visible. The IMT measurement is used to detect artherosclerotic vascular changes in children at risk at an early stage, with the “twinkling sign” we can detect the smallest calcifications, e.g. in the kidneys, and much more, all using state-of-the-art technology.


Petition for a Children’s Commissioner of the German Bundestag

To this day, the rights of children and young people in Germany are not sufficiently respected. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child therefore criticized Germany again in 2014.

The German Academy for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DAKJ) is the umbrella organization of the three major pediatric societies (German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ), Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ), German Society for Social Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGSPJ)). She has initiated a petition for the appointment of a Children’s Commissioner of the German Bundestag. If at least 50,000 signatures are submitted to the Petitions Committee, the German Bundestag will publicly discuss and decide on the appointment of a Children’s Commissioner.

You can find the list of signatures at the following address:

A BVKJ position paper on the implementation of children’s rights here:


Whooping cough

Whooping cough, one of the classic childhood diseases, has become more common again in many industrialized countries in recent years, especially among schoolchildren, adolescents and adults.

Infants have no natural nest protection against whooping cough. They can only be vaccinated against it from the age of 2 months, and their vaccination protection is only complete after the 4th vaccination in the 2nd year of life. Infants are therefore at risk of contracting these dangerous pathogens despite being vaccinated on time. Vaccination is therefore recommended for mothers, fathers, siblings and other close contacts, primarily to prevent whooping cough in the vaccinated person, but also to protect small infants from infection.

Please bring your family’s vaccination passports with you and we will check whether or not you have sufficient vaccinations. If not – get vaccinated to protect yourself and your baby!


Cervical cancer – new vaccination recommendation

In Germany, 140,000 operations are performed every year for suspected cancerous findings on the cervix, and 4,600 women are newly diagnosed with cervical cancer every year. It develops as a result of an infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV), which are often transmitted during the first sexual intercourse. Since 2007, vaccination against HPV infections and thus against cervical cancer has been recommended for all girls.

However, new data on adolescent sexuality in Germany shows that less than half of girls are protected by the HPV vaccination at the time of their first sexual contact. In addition, studies on the effectiveness of the HPV vaccination have shown that antibody formation and the protective effect of the vaccination are better in young girls than in older adolescents.

These two observations have led the STIKO (Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute) to adapt its vaccination recommendation:

  • The vaccination should be given earlier, at the age of 9 to 13 (Gardasil®) or 9 to 14 years (Cervarix®).
  • At this age, 2 vaccinations at intervals of 6 months are sufficient; at the age of more than 13 or 14 years, a 3rd vaccination dose is required as before.

An ideal date for the vaccination would be, for example, the U11 screening.


Travel medicine

Short vacation or longer stay abroad – you should seek medical advice beforehand! And good travel preparation is not only recommended for exotic destinations!

Our contribution to your trip: Information on prophylactic measures (e.g. malaria prophylaxis), the compilation of an appropriate first-aid kit and a differentiated vaccination plan.

Depending on the destination, type of trip and length of stay, this is done individually and in accordance with international recommendations. Please make an appointment for a consultation in good time, as it may be necessary. several vaccinations must be planned and scheduled in a differentiated manner and vaccination intervals must be observed. You should also clarify the question of cost reimbursement with your insurance company in advance.

Our travel and tropical medicine advice is now also certified: Fr. This year, Dr. Skowron completed training in accordance with the “Travel Medicine” curriculum of the German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (DTG) and was officially awarded the “Travel Medicine Health Advice” certificate by the North Rhine Medical Association.


Vaccination against meningococcus B

Meningococci are bacteria of which at least 13 different serogroups exist. Serogroups A, B, C, W135 and Y are dangerous for humans and are responsible for epidemics worldwide. In Germany, around 20-30% of meningococcal diseases are caused by serogroup C and around 70% by serogroup B.

Infants and young children have the highest risk of contracting the disease. A second peak of the disease affects young people between the ages of 15 and 19.

Meningococci are transmitted from person to person via the respiratory tract (droplet infection). They can cause serious illnesses, the most feared being purulent meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) and life-threatening sepsis (blood poisoning). Around 10% of cases are fatal, and survivors often suffer from permanent disabilities.

Since 2006, vaccination against meningococcal C has been generally recommended for all children and adolescents. The meningococcal B vaccine has been available since fall 2013. It is suitable for all age groups from 2 months of age. However, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has not yet issued a final recommendation. It is still unclear how this vaccination is to be integrated into the existing vaccination calendar.

However, because the vaccination is the decisive preventive measure, we are now offering the vaccination against meningococcal B for children and adolescents up to the age of 18.
